19 February 2010


During critique, it was brought up that that my work seems un- resolved and non- cohesive. I plan on working to remedy this.

14 February 2010

work Update

Finished second piece.

The tree suggests room for growth, and expansion, the possibility for development and improvement.

10 February 2010

work update

I'm currently working on finishing up the piece from 2 posts ago, as well as experimenting with colouring, and creating pieces for all the cups of tea I drink in 12 and 24 hours.

09 February 2010

Protege moi de mes desirs, pour ils soyex la mort de moi

"Protect me from what I want, for it will be the death of me."

In tea leaf reading, the boat can signify a journey, or protection. Seeing as I'm 1-for-1 for grad school acceptances (I'm still waiting to hear from the other programs I applied to), it's pretty safe to say I'll be taking a "journey" in the near furture, but will I need to be protected form something as well?

06 February 2010

Time Warp

Found this article while browsing CNN, glad to know that I'm not alone in my (somewhat) obsession with the Victorian Era/ not the Victorianly obsessed person.

03 February 2010

Work Update

New piece, not quite done yet, but I'll update again once it's done.

31 January 2010

I do alot of article jumping on wikipedia, so I thought I'd post some of my top articles.

Victorian era


Lewis Carroll

(Photo by Dan Estabrook)
Salt print