31 January 2010

I do alot of article jumping on wikipedia, so I thought I'd post some of my top articles.

Victorian era


Lewis Carroll

(Photo by Dan Estabrook)
Salt print

28 January 2010

After several test runs with different teas and paper, I've decided on black tea on somerset velvet off-white paper.

For the first tea leaf reading, I read a tortoise, which is supposed to mean that I'll be criticized at some point in the near future. From there, I researched for quotes relating to criticism and found one from Elbert Hubbard. Ironically, looking closely at the tea stains, there's a lizard (ok, it might looked more like Godzilla, but Godzilla still counts as a lizard, right?) and a bear, which suggests a long trip in the furture, as well as a plot from enemies. Hubbard died on the Lusitania, the ocean liner stuck by Nazi torpedoes.

25 January 2010

Past Work

Much of my work dwells on obsession, mainly on topics related to an over- arching obsession of the Victorian Era. I am haunted by an unearthly attachment to the works of HP Lovecraft, Lewis Carroll, Edgar Poe, and the contemporary Neil Gaimen. I am unreasonable influenced by tassography, seances, and other means of deciphering the future.